Singing Guide: Jelly's Last Jam

Singing Guide: Jelly's Last Jam

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Jelly Roll Morton is a true musician's musician. His unique style managed to bring together classical European music, big band jazz, traditional spirituals, and the sounds of Broadway. Jelly's Last Jam, the musical that tells Morton's story, showcases all of his talents: intricate improvisation with an iron sense of rhythm, the deep, rounded tone of his baritone singing voice, and a unique sense of style that became the hallmark of his performances.

If you want to sing like Jelly Roll Morton, the first step is to study his music to understand his unique style and vocal techniques.

One of the most influential songs of Morton's career is the widely familiar "Sweet Substitute." The song features Morton's vocal style, which combines baritone singing with guttural growling. The composition includes a series of low notes that Morton slides into from the middle register with an almost throaty tone. Listen carefully to the way he pronounces words, emphasizing each syllable in a distinct, almost percussive way.

Morton also had a deep understanding of rhythm, and his compositions showcase his sense of swing. To master Morton's signature sense of rhythm, start with the basics of breath support and active breathing. Follow the breathing basics guide to control your breath, which will help you maintain your rhythmic timing.

Another signature element of Morton's vocal style is his use of "jelly" and "breaks" in his singing, as well as his ability to shift effortlessly between vocal registers. To learn more about voice registers and vocal breaks, check out the corresponding article. Fantastic vocal warm-ups can also help your voice be more flexible and prepare you for mimicking Morton’s style. Try the Farinelli breathing or 3 Minute Warm-up.

It's not only about raw talent and technique, though. Morton's style was heavily influenced by his emotions, intuition and creative process that managed to mix serious jazz playing with comedy and sense of humor. Thus it's important that you can tap into your own emotions and infuse your performance with a sense of humor. For additional tips on overcoming stage fright and expressing emotion during performances, check out the relevant Singing Carrots articles and singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking.

At Singing Carrots, you can also explore Morton's vocal ranges and characteristics. Start by taking the vocal range test to see where your range lies, and then customize your search for songs that match your vocal range with the song search tool. Finally, if you're serious about learning to sing like Morton, you may wish to enroll in Singing Carrots’ singing course.

With the right technical skills, emotional expression, and a little bit of humor, you can follow in the footsteps of one of the greatest jazz musicians of all time, Jelly Roll Morton.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.